Sunday, May 20, 2007

Yesterday, I graduated.. and the world flipped its axis

Or so I'd like to think.

I dont feel different, I'm not sure if you're immediatly supposed to, but in some sense - there's a degree of finality that's bizarre in that I'm not finding it as terrifying as I had been. I mean, for the past few months I'd refused to think about it, to even so much as write down the impending date - and here I am, having been the one most in denial, and yet I feel like I can live with it. Or that I'm dealing with it in a way thats healthy. Or that in some way, in some measure - I'll be okay. I really dont think that sounds too revolutionary, but for me and the state I was in - it really is. I think it helped to see others around me just as affected as I had been for months in the end, cause I felt a whole lot less peculiar. This is my family, these people I've found, these friends I've managed to be lucky enough to procure around me. And with them, with each and every one of them - is a piece of home. People go there whole lives trying to find a place that feels like home, that intangible feeling or presence in which comfort, aspiration and acceptance all transpire at once, and I'm fortunate enough to have had it now. No matter what happens, each of these people will have a little piece of home in them, and no matter how far apart geographically we end up - that'll never change.

And to the class of 2007, I can only hope that it is our idealism that will transform the world.


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